Welcome to the My Birthday Coins online store!
Our business idea is to primarily offer Finnish coins packaged in series, later our selection will also expand to other numismatics
Our business idea is to primarily offer Finnish coins packaged in series, later our selection will also expand to other numismatics
In honor of the 2017 anniversary of Finland's independence, I created the Lion Statue, which is covered with Finnish markka and euro coins during Finland's independence. The project was part of the official program for the centenary of Finland's independence.
The work is three-dimensional and depicts a Finnish coat of arms lion standing on a saber and holding a sword in his hand.
The statue is covered in layers of approx. 1.5 mm with various coins, which form the colors of the statue.
The statue is almost 2 m high, 0.2 m wide and 1.2 m long. The stand can be raised up to 1 m at the exhibition site. About 358,000 coins was used. Weight with stand is 850 kg.
The statue has been exhibited at the National Museum in Helsinki from November 27 to December 2, 2018, and since then it has toured in smaller exhibitions and fairs throughout Finland.
Timo Ruotsalainen, numismatist and collector from Joensuu
Contact us!
Address: Lylykoskentie 9, 80130 Joensuu, Finland
Email: tilaukset@atlaspoint.fi
Phone: +358 500 572 712